Kerotest Steam Service Valve Gate


The Kerotest Steam Service Gate Valve features a patented packing that incorporates a secondary
back-up seal for leak-proof performance. A low-profile design and non-rising stem make the
Kerotest Gate Valve easy to install, even where other valves will not fit. And, the valve is
maintenance free, requiring no regular lubrication or adjustment of any kind.
These Steam Service Gate Valves offer a wide variety of watertight extensions, custom built
to your specifications, which can be factory mounted or field mounted on existing valves.


EV-11-1The Kerotest Model-1 Steel Gate Valves feature metal-to-metal seats, some of the lowest
operating torque in the industry and a packing designed to protect the environment. Choose
from a full size range of 1-inch to 16-inch with a variety of end configurations and a pressure
rating from 285 to 740 psi.
Customize your gate valves with locking devices, watertight high head extensions,
operating square extensions, malleable iron circular hand-wheels, indicators, epoxy coating,
body bleed taps, vent pipes.